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An Early

Deodatus Threlkeld

 Brass Sundial, Dated 1709

This is a very interesting 3.5 inch square Clockmakers sundial. The original gnomon is approx. 3mm thick, 65mm along the style edge. It has a simple pierced design with an ' S ' shaped supporter and is attatched by two tenons swaged into slots. The dial shows that the V-XII-VII is divided to half- and quarter hours. The numerals are orientated inwards along the hour lines and are generally positioned with one side of the broad strokes aligned with the hourline or, unusually, with the narrow or broad stroke of the V so aligned.Typically for these early rural dials, it  has a Cross Patty for noon with no noon gap but all hourlines are directed towards the proper corner of the gnomon. There are a set of concentric circles to terminate hourlines. It was made in 1709 by D.T, and has two further initials J.A. in the corners. 

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Above.  The dial shows that the V-XII-VII is divided to half- and quarter hours. The numerals are orientated inwards along the hour lines and are generally positioned with one side of the broad strokes aligned with the hourline or, unusually, with the narrow or broad stroke of the V so aligned. Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Above.  Showing a side view of the D.T 3.5-inch horizontal brass clockmakers sundial with original gnomon. Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Above and Below  Showing two  overhead views of the sundial. Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Below  The dial has probably been made by a provincial clockmaker who would have supplied it along with a clock to one of his customers.  Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Below  Showing another view of the sundial.  Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Below  This sundial was made in 1709 by D.T, and has two further initials J.A. in the corners which is probably for the first owner of this dial. Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Below  Typically for these early rural dials, it  has a Cross Patty for noon with no noon gap.  Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Below  Showing the untouched back of D.T brass sundial of 1709. Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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This very rare clockmakers sundial which has been signed by its maker is possibly the work of Deodatus Threlkeld , who was working in Newcastle during this time. The J. A. is probably the initials of the first owner and may well be for John Aynsley who was a close friend to Threlkeld  for many years. The reason for this assumption is because in the book entitled Clockmakers of Northumberland and Durham by the late Keith Bates, there is a Threlkeld longcase clock dial c1730 which looks like it  has been scratch signed by Threlkeld himself during his semi-retirement to Tritlington, near Morpeth. The D. and  T are very distinctive and very similar to the D. and the T on the 1709 sundial (even though they are 20 years apart). The sundial is in superb original condition. It retains a lovely original indoor patination and was probably put in the conservatory or sat inside on a window ledge to set the clocks of the house and would have been mounted on a small wooden plinth. It was probably supplied by Threlkeld with a clock and would have been a very useful item to own.

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Above. Showing the dial of an 8-day longcase clock by Deodatus Threlkeld which he made after his semi-retirement to Tritlington, near Morpeth. The signature suggests that Threlkeld has engraved this dial himself as it looks more like an actual signature. Photograph courtesy of Keith Bates. 

Below. Showing a closer view of what is thought to be Deodatus's own signature. Photograph courtesy of Keith Bates.

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Below. Showing a closer view of small clockmaker's sundial, made for J. A. by D.T . This is possibly the work of  Deodatus Threlkeld who made the dial for John Aynsley in 1709, (about 20 years earlier than the clock). Photographed by Lee Borrett.

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Deodatus Threlkeld

Deodatus Threlkeld was born in 1657. Deodatus was apprenticed in Newcastl and is thought to have been trading for himself by 1680. He made the clock for All Saints in 1691 and was paid £42/3/0d., and engaged at an annual sum of 50/- to keep it in order. In 1703 he was paid a further sum for making the clock strike. He was known nationally and perhaps internationally for his clocks and watches. In 1698 he was challenged by William Prevost, a French clockmaker to see who could make the best clock, winner takes all; Ed. Burgis and Sam.  Watson were the judges, Deodatus won. Deod. died a rich man in Feb.1733


I would like to thanks Keith Bates for allowing me to use information about Deodatus Threlkeld taken from his excellent book entitled Clockmakers of Northumberland and Durham.

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